Greeting Card Swap Meet

Bring unused greeting cards with their unused envelopes to swap.  Christmas cards, birthday cards--any kind of greeting card you want to unload—and swap for cards you’d like to have.  Buy a coffeehouse snack, beverage, or meal and socialize over the swappable cards.  Use this opportunity to bring a friend who has not donated their refundable $50 political contribution yet.  Diane will be happy to get such checks deposited to the Greens and eligible for refunding.  Ask the friend to bring unused cards for swapping, too. 

Location:  NW corner of the intersection of Snelling Avenue and Minnehaha Avenue in St. Paul’s Midway neighborhood.  Free parking lot in the back of the coffeehouse.  Buses run about every 10 minutes along Snelling Avenue.    
sponsored by Green Party activist, Diane J. Peterson
December 08, 2017 at 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Ginkgo Coffeehouse
721 N Snelling Ave
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States
Google map and directions
Diane J. Peterson ·

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