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The Green Party of Minnesota (GPMN) is a grassroots organization dedicated to the values of the international Green movement. The GPMN strives to build a society in which all can lead full and productive lives in harmony with each other and with nature. The movement is inspired by the interrelated Four Pillars of Ecological Wisdom, Nonviolence, Social and Economic Justice and Grassroots Democracy.



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    GPMN 2023 Annual Meeting draft notes

    Green Party of Minnesota Summer 2023 Annual Meeting Sunday, July 6 at Lake View Terrace Park, Robbinsdale Cam Gordon and Seth Kuhl-Stennes facilitated. Holle Brian took notes, Rachel Braaten was vibes-checker, David Strand time keeper, facilitators kept the stack. Rachel Braaten provided food and beverages. The meeting started at 11:30 a.m. with a welcome, land acknowledgement, reading of the 10 Key Values, and introductions. The agenda was approved by consensus.   Local Reports 5CD GP report - There will be Minneapolis elections in Nov. 23 for all City Council seats, due to redistricting. The 5CD GP has endorsed Marcus Mills for Ward 3 City Council. Rachel Braaten was elected as 5CD GP rep to the GPMN Coordinating Committee for a two-year term, replacing Seth Kuhl-Stennes. New 5CD GP steering committee members are Becki Smith, Megan Kuhl-Stennes, Tim Jordan and Eric xx. The 5CD GP was at the Minneapolis Pride festival, and plans to have a presence at Cedar/Riverside and West Broadway Open Streets events. They have published a Minneapolis City Council “report card” rating current members’ performances. 4CD GP report - Carol Mellom reported that the 4th CD GP is dormant, but she would like to see it restart. 3CD GP repot - David Strand reported that the 3rd CD GP is also dormant, but there is a growing progressive culture in the Plymouth area and the DFL is gaining strength there. 8CD GP report - Holle Brian reported that there is no 8th CD GP organized at this time. DFL and Indivisible/Grassroots Endeavor activists in Chisago/Isanti Counties have been working to stop book bans, 2nd Amendment sanctuaries, and lobbying for sensible gun laws.   Survey Report Adam Schneider gave a report on the surveys that the GPMN sent to members, allies and organizations. 57 individuals and nine organizations responded to the survey. For a complete report, see the attached file. A common response was that the GPMN needs to add more antiracism language to its Platform and Constitution. Of respondents, 40% voted for Biden in the 2022 presidential race, and 35.6% voted for Hawkins; the rest voted for other third party candidates.   Focus Group Input Meetings Report Cam Gordon reported that the GPMN held four meetings this spring to get input from members and allies on the direction of the party. Two were in-person and two were online. Attendance was minimal.   Coordinating Committee Report and Recommendations Cam Gordon distributed a printed report on the CC’s activities and recommendations — see attached document for the full report. He added that the CC is not actively recruiting statewide candidates for 2024, but would be open to supporting a presidential candidate in order to regain minor party status. He also noted that the CC will be holding an anti-racism workshop sometime in the next year.   GPUS Report David Strand gave an update on the national party. Their national meeting will be online on August 3-6. Go to gp.org to sign up. The Global Greens met in Korea this year. Individuals may join Global Greens for a $10 fee. Eight people so far have filed to run for president, including Cornell West and Randy Toller, and will be seeking GP nomination. The GPMN can have up to three elected delegates to the GPUS. Currently all delegate seats are open. Other Greens may serve on GPUS committees if they are appointed by the CC.   Finance Report Tom Dunnwald gave the GPMN financial report. Becki Smith is Finance Chair and wants to step down. The Finance Chair is a CC position, but treasurer role could be filled by an appointee. The GPMN’s main expenses are $150 a month for NationBuilder, and $150 a month for office rent. Rent is at least three months behind. Monthly automatic contributions are enough to cover these expenses.   Bylaws and Constitution Changes Report Holle Brian reported that the CC was charged with reviewing core documents at the January Special Meeting to see if they needed updating to reflect the GPMN’s current level of organization. A proposal was submitted but the CC felt that there had been insufficient notice given in order to vote on it at this meeting. Proposed changes include: Electing up to four at-large CC members at the Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting, instead of geographic members, for a total of 12 at-large seats on the CC and potentially eight geographic members to be elected by their CD locals; adding another Youth seat on the CC to make a total of two; and adding a Grievance Procedure to the Bylaws. For the complete proposal, see the attached document. There was a discussion of giving the CC the authority to appoint interim members to fill vacant CC seats, but a straw poll showed low support for this.   Coordinating Committee Elections At the time of the meeting, the CC had four at-large reps and one geographic rep. Seth Kuhl-Stennes has been replaced by the 5CD GP by Rachel Braaten on the CC. Nobody came forward to run for the other open seats.   GPUS Representative Election Rachel Braaten was elected to be the GPMN’s representative to the GPUS.   Announcements Diane Peterson Talked about the “Freedom to Choose” bill before the MN Legislature to restore equal access to all Medical Assistance patients to choose their own doctors and other health care providers. Adam Schneider polled attendees on their ability to attend on-line meetings; most people have access to Zoom technology.   Meeting adjourned at 1:30.    Minutes submitted by Holle Brian
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    GPMN 2023 Membership Survey Summary

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