Do you believe in the key principles of the Green Party of Minnesota: Grassroots Democracy, Social and Economic Justice, Nonviolence, and Ecological Wisdom?
Help carry these values forward by supporting us financially. You can do so by either donating below, or by sending a check to Green Party of Minnesota at 4200 Cedar Ave S, Suite 8, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
The Green Party of Minnesota does not accept donations from for profit or nonprofit corporations or Political Action Committees (PACs), and will only accept donations from individuals not to exceed $1200 per calendar year.
Thank you for your support!
Who's donating
Rachel Braaten donated 2024-08-16 18:46:02 -0500
Scott Caruso donated 2024-07-08 20:12:49 -0500
Anne Fry donated 2024-05-08 08:45:05 -0500
Allan Hancock donated 2024-03-04 12:07:07 -0600
Carol Mellom donated 2023-11-09 17:29:44 -0600
Carol Mellom donated 2023-09-15 16:30:02 -0500
Rachel Braaten donated 2023-07-18 21:06:08 -0500
Rachel Braaten donated 2023-05-08 22:12:27 -0500
Joshua Scheunemann donated via Joshua Scheunemann 2022-05-07 13:46:36 -0500
Carol Mellom donated 2021-12-16 18:09:24 -0600
Kevin Landry donated 2021-09-13 15:00:30 -0500
Seth Kuhl-Stennes donated 2021-07-21 23:28:25 -0500
Carol Mellom donated 2021-03-27 22:37:49 -0500
Joshua Scheunemann donated 2021-03-15 11:27:44 -0500
Andrew Montain donated 2021-01-19 19:46:49 -0600
Trahern Crews donated 2021-01-05 01:00:17 -0600
Becki Smith donated 2020-12-30 07:51:58 -0600
Nora Okoneski donated 2020-12-29 14:06:37 -0600
Jill Stein donated 2020-12-27 22:43:26 -0600
Trahern Crews donated 2020-12-27 22:13:52 -0600
Joshua Scheunemann donated 2020-12-13 12:54:48 -0600
Matthew Behrend donated 2020-10-10 11:32:15 -0500
Daniel Stephens donated 2020-02-25 19:02:48 -0600
Joseph Gmitter donated 2018-12-31 20:17:12 -0600
James Nordlund donated 2018-11-07 01:11:51 -0600
James Nordlund donated 2018-11-07 00:37:43 -0600
James Nordlund donated 2018-11-06 05:35:31 -0600
James Nordlund donated 2018-11-06 05:06:37 -0600
Susu Jeffrey donated 2018-09-27 12:20:46 -0500
Amber Garlan posted about this on Facebook 2018-06-28 21:05:26 -0500I just made a donation to Green Party of Minnesota!
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