The Green Party of Minnesota is happy to announce our newest party spokesperson- Coordinating Committee Member Brandon Long!
Brandon, whose activism began with the Occupy Movement, is active in the fight for $15 in Saint Paul as well as a member of Fossil Free Saint Paul.
Before becoming an elected Coordinating Committee Member for the Green Party of Minnesota in 2015, Brandon was the field coordinator for the Green endorsed Johnny Howard for Saint Paul City Council Campaign in 2013 as well as the Social Media Coordinator for the statewide Dawkins for Attorney General Campaign in 2014 which earned the state Green Party Minor Party status. Outside of his full time job as an Occuaptional Therapist, Brandon is also very active in his local Green Party of the 4th CD.
"I am so excited about the work we are doing with the Green Party of Minnesota. Like many folks, I am frustrated with a two party political system that I do not feel represents me.
I am very happy to be a part of a political party that refuses corporate money and truly believes in progressive policies like living wages, restoring the right to vote, and stopping sulfide mining in our state." -Brandon Long
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