Saint Paul Green Party Supports Rent Control


The Green Party of Minnesota’s 4th congressional district supports rent stabilization that will limit rent increases for existing rental units across Saint Paul to 3% over a 12-month period.

Steven Stampley spokesperson for the Saint Paul Green Party of the 4th congressional district said "The effort organized by Housing Equity Now St. Paul (HENS), is very modest compared to the rent control the City already implemented for Craig Lepold, the multi-billionaire owner of the wild. The City of Saint Paul cut their rent for the Excel center in half and controls it for the next twenty years."

Over half of St. Paul residents are renters and the majority of renters are people of color. The Twin Cities region accounts for 76% of Black, ADOCS, African, Asian, Native American, Latino & immigrant households in the state, only 40% of them are homeowners compared to 75% of white households.



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  • Trahern Crews
    published this page in Recent Updates 2021-10-10 10:50:33 -0500

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