GPMN Coordinating Committee
Working and planning meeting, June 3, 2023
Rachel Braaten, Holle Brian, Cam Gordon, Seth Kuhl-Stennes, Adam Schneider
Since the agenda for the June 3 meeting was not published in advance, this CC meeting was for working and planning and no votes were taken.
Communications Report
During recent outreach, it’s been observed that we may need to update email addresses for older GPMN members.
Cam recommended creating a GPMN Facebook event for the June visioning meetings.
Finances Report
We are working on giving check-writing capabilities to Tom Dunnwald.
The GPMN is paid up with office rent through March 2023, need to pay for April and May. It would be good to evaluate what is at the office and get rid of what is not needed. There is some merchandise there that could be brought to the Annual Meeting. With some cleanup and organizing, the space is usable. Currently Seth and Carol have keys. Seth will try to get the office key from Carol. Rachel would like to work on cleanup. We may have the next CC meeting there.
It was noted that the 5CD GP is having monthly GP socials at the 4200 Cedar location, first Fridays from 6-8. All are welcome.
There were two visioning meetings in May, one online and one in person, but nobody came except CC members and volunteers.
So far, the surveys have had a 10-11% response rate. There were 20 responses from allies and organizations, and 41 responses from GP members. One common response was the desire for the GP to run more local candidates.
The CC may move to meeting quarterly rather than monthly after the Annual Meeting, with working group projects in the interim. Suggestions for GPMN working group activities include: hosting issue meetings to increase awareness and participation; and holding candidate workshops (what offices are open, how to run).
The GPMN needs to run a statewide candidate in 2024 in order to regain minor party status. In MN, major party status now requires 8% of the statewide vote and probably won’t be attainable for a while. Lacking strong candidate(s) for statewide office, our best opportunity to get 1% may be through a GP presidential campaign.
Locally, Marcus Mills is running for Minneapolis Ciy Council, Third Ward, and may be seeking GP endorsement. Rachel Braaten is considering running for City Council in Crystal.
Bylaws and Constitution updating
Holle and Seth reviewed the GPMN Bylaws and Constitution to see if any changes could be made to better reflect and serve the GPMN’s current reduced status. Holle proposed changes to the Constitution about how the Coordinating Committee is elected (see attached proposal). It was agreed to add a second Youth seat to the CC’s makeup in this proposal. To be considered at the Annual Meeting, the proposal needs to be distributed by June 30.
Annual Meeting
It was agreed that the Annual Meeting should be held at Lakeview Terrace Park in Robbinsdale on July 15 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Cost for the pavilion, with electricity, is $120. Holle can provide a small sound system and mic if needed. The meeting announcement needs to go out by June 30. (After the CC meeting, it was discovered that the park is not available July 14, so Rachel reserved the park for Sunday, July 16, from 11:00-2:00.)
Annual Meeting:
10:30 – set up and socializing
11:00 – meeting convenes
Reports: Coordinating Committee update, survey results, Elected Officeholder(s), 5CD GP activities
Constitution change: present and vote
CC elections for four at-large seats
GPUS rep election
Discussions: 2024 electoral strategy; topics for outreach/issue meetings
Candidate introductions
Fund appeal
Cam and Rachel are working on providing child care for the meeting. We should suggest but not require that people bring food to share, preferably vegan.
Next CC meeting
Saturday, July 8, location tbd
Minutes submitted by Holle Brian
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