CC working and planning meeting minutes, June 3, 2023
GPMN Coordinating Committee
Working and planning meeting, June 3, 2023
Rachel Braaten, Holle Brian, Cam Gordon, Seth Kuhl-Stennes, Adam Schneider
Since the agenda for the June 3 meeting was not published in advance, this CC meeting was for working and planning and no votes were taken.
Communications Report
During recent outreach, it’s been observed that we may need to update email addresses for older GPMN members.
Cam recommended creating a GPMN Facebook event for the June visioning meetings.
Finances Report
We are working on giving check-writing capabilities to Tom Dunnwald.
The GPMN is paid up with office rent through March 2023, need to pay for April and May. It would be good to evaluate what is at the office and get rid of what is not needed. There is some merchandise there that could be brought to the Annual Meeting. With some cleanup and organizing, the space is usable. Currently Seth and Carol have keys. Seth will try to get the office key from Carol. Rachel would like to work on cleanup. We may have the next CC meeting there.
It was noted that the 5CD GP is having monthly GP socials at the 4200 Cedar location, first Fridays from 6-8. All are welcome.
There were two visioning meetings in May, one online and one in person, but nobody came except CC members and volunteers.
So far, the surveys have had a 10-11% response rate. There were 20 responses from allies and organizations, and 41 responses from GP members. One common response was the desire for the GP to run more local candidates.
The CC may move to meeting quarterly rather than monthly after the Annual Meeting, with working group projects in the interim. Suggestions for GPMN working group activities include: hosting issue meetings to increase awareness and participation; and holding candidate workshops (what offices are open, how to run).
The GPMN needs to run a statewide candidate in 2024 in order to regain minor party status. In MN, major party status now requires 8% of the statewide vote and probably won’t be attainable for a while. Lacking strong candidate(s) for statewide office, our best opportunity to get 1% may be through a GP presidential campaign.
Locally, Marcus Mills is running for Minneapolis Ciy Council, Third Ward, and may be seeking GP endorsement. Rachel Braaten is considering running for City Council in Crystal.
Bylaws and Constitution updating
Holle and Seth reviewed the GPMN Bylaws and Constitution to see if any changes could be made to better reflect and serve the GPMN’s current reduced status. Holle proposed changes to the Constitution about how the Coordinating Committee is elected (see attached proposal). It was agreed to add a second Youth seat to the CC’s makeup in this proposal. To be considered at the Annual Meeting, the proposal needs to be distributed by June 30.
Annual Meeting
It was agreed that the Annual Meeting should be held at Lakeview Terrace Park in Robbinsdale on July 15 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Cost for the pavilion, with electricity, is $120. Holle can provide a small sound system and mic if needed. The meeting announcement needs to go out by June 30. (After the CC meeting, it was discovered that the park is not available July 14, so Rachel reserved the park for Sunday, July 16, from 11:00-2:00.)
Annual Meeting:
10:30 – set up and socializing
11:00 – meeting convenes
Reports: Coordinating Committee update, survey results, Elected Officeholder(s), 5CD GP activities
Constitution change: present and vote
CC elections for four at-large seats
GPUS rep election
Discussions: 2024 electoral strategy; topics for outreach/issue meetings
Candidate introductions
Fund appeal
Cam and Rachel are working on providing child care for the meeting. We should suggest but not require that people bring food to share, preferably vegan.
Next CC meeting
Saturday, July 8, location tbd
Minutes submitted by Holle Brian
GPMN Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes, May 6, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 11:17 at the East Lake Library Conference Room, 2727 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406, by co-chair Cam Gordon.
Coordinating Committees Members present were Cam Gordon Adam Schneider, David Strand, and Tom Dunnwald. Green Party member Rachel Braaten was also present.
The agenda was approved and the minutes from the last meeting, April 8, were approved as amended clarifying that Seth Kuhl-Stennes and Cam Gordon were elected co-chairs of the CC and state party at that meeting.
Finance Report – Tom Dunnwald was elected Finance Chair and reported that he planned to meet with the outgoing finance chair, Becki Smith, to assume the duties as chair and continue efforts to find a new financial institution.
Communication Report - Adam Schneider reported that he was still working on gaining access to all social media accounts but has been able to access and utilize all data on the website.
The Bylaws and Constitution workgroup did not meet but Gordon shared that Holle Brian (who serves on that workgroup) informed the coordinating committee that she identified concerns about the make-up of the Coordinating Committee and potential changes needed to accommodate the lack of local party units in most congressional districts.
Strategic Planning Update
Survey and letter. Schneider reported that the letters and surveys had been distributed and responded to by between 15 and 30 people each.
Visioning meetings. Gordon reported that he had met with Elizabeth Dickenson and drafted a potential outline for the meetings and is looking for a co-facilitator with a priority on gender balance. The meeting dates and locations have been set with an online meeting and in person meeting for members to be held in May. The meeting will be divided into five sections
- Opening, land acknowledgement
- Acknowledging past difficulties and the need to heal
- Framing the discussion for moving forward, affirming our values and sharing survey results so sar
- Prioritizing for the Future – discussion, listing, grouping and voting (dotmocracy)
- Closing
Annual Meeting. A planning group is being established that will include Cam Gordon and Rachel Braaten to prepare for the July 15 Annual Meeting. Others are welcome to join and will be recruited. Among the necessary party business the group will explore including an anti-racism workshop or training as part of the meeting. The need for having child care at meetings was raised and will be a priority for the annual meeting.
Timeline/Important dates
It was confirmed that the July Coordinating Committee meeting will be held on July 8. Gordon will find a location.
Other Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, May 17, 6-7:30pm hold member’s vision and goals online meeting
- Saturday, May 20, 10:00-11:30 am hold member’s vision and goals in-person meeting, Doty Board Room Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401
- Saturday, June 3, 11:00am - 1:00pm CC meeting East lake Library Conference Room 2727 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406
- Wednesday, June 7, 6-7:30 Allie’s online focus group
- Saturday, June 10, 10-11:30am allies and supporters in person focus group, Highland Park Library Community Room, 978 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN 55116
- Saturday, July 8, 10:00 am – 12 noon CC meeting East Lake Library Conference Room
- Saturday, July 15, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm Annual Membership meeting
New business, other updates.
The Coordinating Committee officially received Samantha Pree-Stinson’s resignation from the coordinating committee and gratefully acknowledged her service and her commitment to continue to serve as a proud Green Party member and endorsed elected official and offer to help will planning, training and other party activities.
Strand offered some updates regarding the national party and the coordinating committee clarified that the state party has not and is not planning on supporting any presidential campaigns at this time or allowing none-people to compete for the national endorsement.
Schneider informed the committee that he is working on a public education plan to help promote the importance of local elections and running for local office that he hopes to bring back for consideration for implementation after the 2023 election has concluded.
Respectfully submitted by Cam Gordon
CC meeting minutes April 8, 2023
GPMN Coordinating Committee meeting
Saturday, April 8
Pierre Bottineau Library, NE Minneapolis
1:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Present: Holle Brian, Tom Dunnwald, Cam Gordon, Seth Kuhl-Stennes, Adam Schneider. Roger Kittleson attended briefly to observe and introduce himself.
No online participants
1) Agenda approved with modifications.
2) Seth appointed facilitator.
3) March 11 minutes approved with modifications.
4) Consideration of party leadership / executive roles and responsibilities — discussion and approval
A) Co-Vice Chair
Adam nominated Cam for co-chair. Passed by consensus. Seth’s terms out in July as 5CD rep, may not run for reelection, so we will be looking for another chair at
B) Finance chair
The CC is looking for people to fill the roles of treasurer and/or finance chair. Becki Smith is currently acting treasurer but would like to step down. Becki, Darnell and Seth are signers for our account at Highland Bank. Sam Pree-Gonzalez has expressed interest in helping with finances. Tom will contact her and confirm.
C) Communications chair
Cam moved to make Adam Communications chair, with the charge of reinvigorating the GPMN’s social media presence. Passed by consensus.
5) Finance report
Treasurer’s reports for the last 14 months are linked to these minutes. April_2023__Treasurer's_Report.xls
In summary: Our ongoing expenses are rent for the office at 4200 Cedar, which is $150 a month; and for National Builder web and database services, which is $148 a month; and bank fees, which are $45-60 a month. The GPMN no longer uses or pays for G-Suite. Monthly donations are currently at $288. Ending cash balance for March 2023 was $1,826.05.
There is also a separate account at Highland Bank for GP tax checkoff funds that has $2,011.93. These funds are not available to us as we are no longer a minor party.
We owe Dave Bicking $600 for rent.
It was suggested that we switch to Northeast Bank as a cheaper and more community-based institution. Tom and Sam will look into this.
If we change banks, we need to contact all our monthly sustainers about the move and encourage them to continue and maybe increase their donations. We may keep both bank accounts until we’ve transferred the monthly donors to the new one. It was agreed that any fundraising campaigns should wait until we have a new bank.
Seth moved to pay Dave Bicking for three months rent ($450). Passed by consensus.
6) Communication, online and data resources and access update
A) GPMN website
Seth and Adam are administrators. Holle will be added as a limited-access admin. Adam and Seth are continuing to work to update the site. We agreed to remove the comments section from the contact page.
B) Twitter
We can’t get access to our Twitter account, because it’s linked to an old email which is no longer active. We are not sure who has been using it in the past. The account has over 3,000 followers and it would be good to retain it if we can. The account is at GreenPartyofMN@mngreens.
C) Wikipedia
Needs to be updated. Adam will work on this.
D) Facebook
Cam is still trying to reach Trahern and/or Brandon to get the account transferred. Adam can post on the Facebook page via Instagram as a temporary fix.
E) Instagram
The official Instagram account is “greenpartyminnesota”. There are some other old accounts that are not in use.
7) Annual Meeting planning and timeline — discussion and approval
A) Surveys to members and allies
Cam and Adam submitted their survey drafts to the CC for review. CC members have until April 15 to comment. If there are no comments or concerns by then, Cam and Adam may circulate the surveys to contacts in the GPMN database, both individuals and organizations. This should be done no later than April 25. Priority will be given to survey responses from Minnesota residents.
B) “Visioning” meetings
After survey responses have been collected, the CC will host four meetings where we will solicit input from members and allies about the direction of the GPMN. Two of these will be in person, two via zoom. Seth offered to use the 5CD GP’s zoom account for the longer meetings. The visioning meetings for GP members will be held on Wednesday, May 17 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. (online); and Saturday, May 20 from 10-11:20 a.m. (in person, location tba). The meetings for allies will be held Wednesday, June 7 from 6:00-7:30 (online); and Saturday, June 10 from 10-11:30 p.m. (in person, location tba).
C) Bylaws and Constitution
The CC has been charged with reviewing the Bylaws and Constitution to see if they can be changed to better accommodate our reduced capacity, and submit proposals for changes, if any, at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Holle and Seth will start this process and bring recommendations to the May 8 CC meeting.
D) Annual Meeting date
It was decided that the Annual Meeting would be held on Saturday, July 15 from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., location tba.
8) Future Coordinating Committee meetings and dates — discussion and approval.
- Saturday, May 6, 11:00am - 1:00pm CC meeting, East lake Library Conference Room, 2727 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406
- Wednesday, May 17, 6-7:30pm - hold member’s vision and goals online meeting
- Saturday, May 20, 10:00-11:30 am - hold member’s visioning in-person meeting, Doty Board Room, Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401
- Saturday, June 3, 11:00am - 1:00pm CC meeting, East lake Library Conference Room, 2727 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406
- Wednesday, June 7, 6-7:30 - Allie’s online focus group
- Saturday, June 10, 10-11:30am - allies and supporters in-person focus group, Highland Park Library Community Room, 978 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN 55116
•Saturday, July 8, CC meeting
•Saturday, July 15, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm Annual Membership meeting
9) New business, comments and meeting evaluation - tabled.
CC meeting minutes March 11, 2023
GPMN Coordinating Committee working and planning meeting
Saturday, March 11
Walker Library, uptown Minneapolis
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Present: Holle Brian, Cam Gordon, Seth Kuhl-Stennes, Adam Schneider, David Strand
No online participants
1) Agenda
It was noted that meeting agendas need to be posted seven days in advance in order for action to be taken, which was not done. It was agreed that the March 11 meeting should be a working and planning session of the CC and that decision-making be moved to the next CC meeting.
2) Cam appointed facilitator.
3) Secretary role
Holle has volunteered to act as a secretary to the CC. Her role will include taking meeting minutes, preparing meeting agendas, document management and electronic communication. Holle is currently active in her local DFL chapter in SD28, and wanted to make sure there were no concerns about her participation in this role. No objections were raised.
4) CC roles and responsibilities
- Structure
Currently there are seven interim CC members: Seth Kuhl-Stennes (Mpls/5CD), Samantha Pree-Gonzalez (at large), Tom Dunwald (at large), Cam Gordon (at large), Adam Schneider (at large), Michelle Parker (2nd CD) and David Strand (at large). Seth is party chair. Becki Smith is treasurer.
- Locals
As far as we know, the only active local is the Minneapolis/5th District Green Party. The St. Paul Green Party is not active. The 4th CDGP’s treasurer, Darnella, has recently filed reports, but it is not active. 3rd CDGP has closed down.
- CC roles
Previously the GPMN CC has had two co-chairs (only one is listed in our state filings); an executive committee; and designated spokespeople. Other roles could include a financial committee and a social media/database committee. Adam noted that this interim CC is more of a working group than a governing body. Seth is willing to continue as party chair but may be stepping down after the next Mpls/5CD election. It was agreed that for now all current CC members could act as spokespeople for the GPMN.
- Finances
Julie Madden has stepped down as GPMN treasurer. Hers was a paid position. Thank you Julie for many years of service! Becki Smith doesn’t want to continue as treasurer. The CC needs to evaluate our budget and see how much we can pay an accountant, then recruit. Possible candidates include Jesse Lickle and Sam Pree-Gonzalez. In addition, we would like to find a better bank that is more consistent with our needs and values. Sam had mentioned she could work on this.
HR1374 - legislation has been proposed to replace the PCRP with “Democracy Dollars” - a state fund for people to designate for the candidate or party of their choice, without going through the donation and refund process. This will be very helpful to political accountants if it passes. The GPMN is not eligible for the PCRP.
- Website / social media
The GPMN’s official website is It is linked to the GPMN database, which is also in National Builder. Theoretically our database is also linked to the national Nation Builder database. Currently Seth and Adam are administrators for the website. Right now, its latest content is from 2021; there are broken links and outdated info. Former CC members have been removed from the site.
The GPMN has a Twitter account, Green Party of MN (#MnGreens) which also has not been updated since 2021.
The GPMN has an official Facebook page. It is active and up-to-date. There are other GP Facebook pages, but we should only be concerned with the official GPMN one. Brandon is an administrator.
The GPMN has an Instagram account. There is only one post on the page, a photo of Dave’s building.
5) Rebuilding / Healing
Discussion points: “Greens Are Rebuilding”
- We need to engage our members in the rebuilding process, and do outreach to organizations and groups not currently in the Green Party. Invite all to join a conversation.
- The CC agreed to make a visioning survey to email to our members and supporters, with questions about priorities, issues, the goals and future of the Green Party, revisiting the 10KV, demographic and geographic info, and maintaining anti-racism work as part of the GP identity. The survey should include a list of ways to get involved. Adam volunteered to work on this survey.
- The CC agreed to make a second survey to give to outside organizations with the hope of involving our allies in the discussion. Cam volunteered to work on this survey.
- The CC agreed to host an online visioning meeting, to be held in the spring, to encourage input from members outside the metro area.
- Note that the GPMN Annual Meeting will need to be held in June or July, and that the CC should begin planning for that.
6) Endorsements
The CC endorsed the following issues, legislation and campaigns by consensus:
a. East Phillips Neighborhood Institute’s efforts to stop the demolition of the Roof Depot, as well as their plan to turn it into an urban farm, community space, and small business hub.
b. The bill to bring Ranked Choice Voting to state and federal elections.
c. The MN Environmental Justice Table’s effort to phase out and shut down the HERC (The GPMN will be a signed endorser for this campaign).
d. Opposing efforts to raise the bar for getting political party status (SF1827).
Next CC meeting will Saturday, April 8 from 1-3 at Bottineau Library.
— minutes submitted by Holle Brian
GPMN Coordinating Committee August 2018 Minutes (Draft)
Green Party of Minnesota Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes
August 18th, 2018
Members present : Andy Hamerlinck, Carol Mellom, Brian Mueller, Emma Matthies, Jake Cassidy, Bryce Lange
Guests: Diane Peterson, Kenneth Conan, Amber Garlan, Becca Lange
Andy H. - facilitator
Brian M. – note taker
A special election was held to fill out the open at-large seats on the coordinating committee. Jake Cassidy, Bryce Lange, Emma Matthies, and Samantha Pree-Stinson were elected unanimously.
CC Meeting Minutes from July were approved
A proposal was made by Andy H. to pay $287 for the theme banner for the state fair booth from the Highland Check-off funds account. Proposal approved by consensus.
Treasurer's report – we are depleting our funds due to the state fair expenses. Andy H. inquired whether our basic recurring monthly expenses are covered by our current sustaining donations. It appears so, but Brian M. will make a full analysis and send it out on Slack. We continue to monitor the monthly sustainers spreadsheet and will contact anyone whose sustaining donation is interrupted.
The CC began organizing and committing to work on our five operational committees:
Finance/Fundraising – Brian M. (chair), Carol M., Andy H., (Samantha P-S.)
maintaining finances, planning and executing fundraising plan, should consider how we will operate after Julie Madden (treasurer) retires
Technology (was Membership Support) – Emma M. (chair), Jake C. (chair), Carol M., (Jim Ivey), (Addy Free), (Eric Gilbertson)
database management, website management, internal communications, pulling email lists, video production, document hosting and updating, project management software, technology and security policies
Outreach – Carol M. (chair), Brian M.
locals development, education, tabling at events, person-to-person follow-up, office tasks (ooma, email, mail, etc)
Communications – Adam S. (chair), (Samantha P-S.), Jake C.
traditional media, social media, spokesperson, develop party lit, mass mailings, email blasts, GPUS opportunities
Politics – Andy H. (chair), Bryce L. (chair), Jake C., Emma M., Carol M.
electoral strategy, candidate identification and recruitment, candidate support, lobbying, interparty strategy, GPUS delegate oversight
Executive Committee- to be selected via online decision-making process before September meeting
should include party chair and finance chair, 3-5 members, assemble agenda for meetings, orientation with Julie Madden (treasurer) and Jim Ivey to familiarize with Campaign Finance Board and Secretary of State requirements, should we appoint an advisory member to the executive committee to provide continuity? legal advisor – David Schultz (pro bono)
We need to update policies document
Each chair should develop a committee plan and estimated budget (budgeting process occurs at December planning meeting, budget proposals due in November)
Carol M. will develop an office clean-up plan and propose it on Slack
Technology Committee Report – Emma M. presented a proposal to migrate documents and provide official email addresses to Google G-Suite, Cost is $5 per account, projected cost would be $55 - $85 per month depending upon number of CC reps seated. Hat was passed to fund it for the first month. Proposal approved. Emma M. will provide more details and submit a policy proposal for technology at the September CC meeting.
Outreach – due to the resignation of the 6th CD representative, we need to determine if the 6th CD local should be shut down for now or re-launched. Carol M. and Brian M. will reach out to contacts in the 6th CD.
Communications – Facebook page has 5,200 likes, Twitter has 3,030 followers
Politics – Andy H., Jake C,, and Paula Overby have met three times and have sketched out four main responsibilities of the politics committee (see above)
1st CD – Bryce Lange survived the primary, has secured support of closely aligned opponent who was eliminated, did well in western Winona County will focus general election efforts on support in eastern Winona County, phonebank event in two weeks
4th CD – the trip to the wastewater treatment plant will be rescheduled, the local si donating $300 to the Green Party of MN, Rhoda Gilman was honored by the St. Paul City Council.
5th CD – Les Lester launched his write-in campaign for the 5th CD seat being vacated by the DFL incumbent, Tori Johnston's memorial will be September 6th, she donated her collection of Green Party memorabilia to the Green Party and it could be used to fundraise, Brian M, will reach out to Becki Smith to coordinate.
6th CD – we need to decide if the 6th CD local will be decertified or re-launched. Carol M. and Brian M. will contact Steve Laitenen and Kaleb (Josh Fisccher) to evaluate.
GPUS – 3 delegates currently (Andy Schuler, Dee Murphy, and Kaleb (Josh Fischer)
We are in need of booth staff for the state fair. Paula Overby will be at the booth every day of the fair. Our three most critical time slots to fill are August 23rd from 5-9 pm, August 26th from 5-9 pm, and September 3rd from 5-9 pm. The orientation sessions went well. We will have a state fair debrief at the September CC meeting.
Green Party information/education sessions have been tabled until September meeting.
Discussion of how we can migrate away from NationBuilder and save on expense, which currently costs $268 per month. Technology committee will propose technology policies at September meeting.
GPMN Coordinating Committee July 2018 Minutes (Approved))
Green Party of Minnesota Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes
July 14th, 2018
Members present : Andy Hamerlinck, Carol Mellom, Adam Schneider, Brian Mueller (quorum requirement met)
Brian - notetaking
Adam - timekeeper
State Summer Meeting Minutes from June were approved
CC Meeting Minutes from May were approved
Treasurer's report – while we are facing financial hardship, we have enough to cover current expenses, and we do have access to checkoff funds for any party-building expenses. Brian will monitor the monthly sustainer spreadsheet and contact any member whose donation lapses.
Member Support - Emma Matthies expressed an interest in helping with membership support committee and joining the CC committee. We need to provide NationBuilder training sessions for CC members and others.
Communications – Andy and Adam have been keeping up with Twitter and Facebook. The Facebook page has 5,213 likes and 5,174 followers, and Twitter has 3,021 followers. In order to maximize quality engagement, we are focusing on MN-specific content. In order to handle Green Party MN day-to-day communication, Andy H will be checking emails. Brian/Carol/Adam/Andy will be contacted when there is a phone message, and Carol will check the mailbox at 4200 Cedar. Brian will contact Jim Ivey about setting up phone notifications.
Politics – Andy and Adam met with Paula Overby, Chris Dock (Libertarian candidate for Auditor), and William Denney (Independence Party candidate for Secretary of State) to discuss common issues. Andy proposed and received agreement on common issues that all three will promote and brand as Purple Movement to advance third party ideals. They would like to use this opportunity to unify on these specific issues and present real alternatives to what has not been working in politics. We will focus on promoting our own candidate but this will also promote grassroots, non-corporate-influenced democracy of all minor parties without cross-endorsing.
Megan Kuhl Stennes, running for Hennepin County Board, has lawn signs available. Bryce Lange, running for Winona County Board, has a booth at the Winona County Fair, and a League of Women Voter's candidate forum on July 25th.
CD1 – Bryce Lange's campaign is going well, confident he will survive August 14th primary. We had two new members join us from Lanesboro at our local meeting last Wednesday. Gauging interest in organizing as CD1 Greens to be able to connect Greens across our large geographic area and fill the CD1 vacancy on the CC.
CD4 – Nature walk with David Crawford and Diane Peterson last week. Planning a wastewater treatment plant tour and Zero Waste education opportunities.
CD5 – endorsement meeting today consindering Les Lester for US Representative
Other CDs – The Green Party of House District 17B submitted their bylaws and officers for approval as an official local. Their treasurer can get free training from the MN Campaign Finance Board . Approved by consensus.
GPUS – Barb Huning resigned as GPUS delegate. Current delegates – Andy Schuler, Dee Murphy, Kaleb (Joel Fischer). There are three unfilled slots. We need to explore improved coordination between delegates and CC.
CC Orientation – We will convene separate organizational meeting once CC is better filled out,
State Fair – Lots of activity. Committee met several times. Chelsea Palmer is coordinating recruiting (72 shifts available - 9am-1pm, 1pm-5pm, 5pm-9pm each day). Training dates for volunteers will be Wednesday, August 15, 6:30pm-7:30pm, and Saturday, August 18, 11am-noon, at 4200 Cedar Ave downstairs room. CC proposes one literature piece and one sign for each Green endorsed candidate be allowed at the booth. Approved by consensus.
Four open seats for at-large CC openings – Samantha Pree-Stinson, Emma Matthies, and Bryce Lange are currently interested. We will try to have elections concurrent with the August CC meeting (8/11) starting at 1:30 (tentatively) Brian will contact Bryce, Andy will reach out to Samantha, Adam will reach out to Emma. Carol will talk to Dave about availability of the downstairs room at 4200 Cedar. Brian will set up webpage and email on NB announcing special election. Will need blank paper for ballots at special election. Carol Mellom will serve as interim party chair until after the special election and will contact the SoS and Campaign Finance Board to notify them of the change.
Adjourned 3:20pm