Green Party of Minnesota Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes
August 18th, 2018
Members present : Andy Hamerlinck, Carol Mellom, Brian Mueller, Emma Matthies, Jake Cassidy, Bryce Lange
Guests: Diane Peterson, Kenneth Conan, Amber Garlan, Becca Lange
Andy H. - facilitator
Brian M. – note taker
A special election was held to fill out the open at-large seats on the coordinating committee. Jake Cassidy, Bryce Lange, Emma Matthies, and Samantha Pree-Stinson were elected unanimously.
CC Meeting Minutes from July were approved
A proposal was made by Andy H. to pay $287 for the theme banner for the state fair booth from the Highland Check-off funds account. Proposal approved by consensus.
Treasurer's report – we are depleting our funds due to the state fair expenses. Andy H. inquired whether our basic recurring monthly expenses are covered by our current sustaining donations. It appears so, but Brian M. will make a full analysis and send it out on Slack. We continue to monitor the monthly sustainers spreadsheet and will contact anyone whose sustaining donation is interrupted.
The CC began organizing and committing to work on our five operational committees:
Finance/Fundraising – Brian M. (chair), Carol M., Andy H., (Samantha P-S.)
maintaining finances, planning and executing fundraising plan, should consider how we will operate after Julie Madden (treasurer) retires
Technology (was Membership Support) – Emma M. (chair), Jake C. (chair), Carol M., (Jim Ivey), (Addy Free), (Eric Gilbertson)
database management, website management, internal communications, pulling email lists, video production, document hosting and updating, project management software, technology and security policies
Outreach – Carol M. (chair), Brian M.
locals development, education, tabling at events, person-to-person follow-up, office tasks (ooma, email, mail, etc)
Communications – Adam S. (chair), (Samantha P-S.), Jake C.
traditional media, social media, spokesperson, develop party lit, mass mailings, email blasts, GPUS opportunities
Politics – Andy H. (chair), Bryce L. (chair), Jake C., Emma M., Carol M.
electoral strategy, candidate identification and recruitment, candidate support, lobbying, interparty strategy, GPUS delegate oversight
Executive Committee- to be selected via online decision-making process before September meeting
should include party chair and finance chair, 3-5 members, assemble agenda for meetings, orientation with Julie Madden (treasurer) and Jim Ivey to familiarize with Campaign Finance Board and Secretary of State requirements, should we appoint an advisory member to the executive committee to provide continuity? legal advisor – David Schultz (pro bono)
We need to update policies document
Each chair should develop a committee plan and estimated budget (budgeting process occurs at December planning meeting, budget proposals due in November)
Carol M. will develop an office clean-up plan and propose it on Slack
Technology Committee Report – Emma M. presented a proposal to migrate documents and provide official email addresses to Google G-Suite, Cost is $5 per account, projected cost would be $55 - $85 per month depending upon number of CC reps seated. Hat was passed to fund it for the first month. Proposal approved. Emma M. will provide more details and submit a policy proposal for technology at the September CC meeting.
Outreach – due to the resignation of the 6th CD representative, we need to determine if the 6th CD local should be shut down for now or re-launched. Carol M. and Brian M. will reach out to contacts in the 6th CD.
Communications – Facebook page has 5,200 likes, Twitter has 3,030 followers
Politics – Andy H., Jake C,, and Paula Overby have met three times and have sketched out four main responsibilities of the politics committee (see above)
1st CD – Bryce Lange survived the primary, has secured support of closely aligned opponent who was eliminated, did well in western Winona County will focus general election efforts on support in eastern Winona County, phonebank event in two weeks
4th CD – the trip to the wastewater treatment plant will be rescheduled, the local si donating $300 to the Green Party of MN, Rhoda Gilman was honored by the St. Paul City Council.
5th CD – Les Lester launched his write-in campaign for the 5th CD seat being vacated by the DFL incumbent, Tori Johnston's memorial will be September 6th, she donated her collection of Green Party memorabilia to the Green Party and it could be used to fundraise, Brian M, will reach out to Becki Smith to coordinate.
6th CD – we need to decide if the 6th CD local will be decertified or re-launched. Carol M. and Brian M. will contact Steve Laitenen and Kaleb (Josh Fisccher) to evaluate.
GPUS – 3 delegates currently (Andy Schuler, Dee Murphy, and Kaleb (Josh Fischer)
We are in need of booth staff for the state fair. Paula Overby will be at the booth every day of the fair. Our three most critical time slots to fill are August 23rd from 5-9 pm, August 26th from 5-9 pm, and September 3rd from 5-9 pm. The orientation sessions went well. We will have a state fair debrief at the September CC meeting.
Green Party information/education sessions have been tabled until September meeting.
Discussion of how we can migrate away from NationBuilder and save on expense, which currently costs $268 per month. Technology committee will propose technology policies at September meeting.
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