GPMN Coordinating Committee 2015 August Meeting Notes (Approved)

8/8/15 Green Party CC Meeting

Members present: Betsy Barnum, Lena Buggs, Reyna Crow (speaker phone) Amber Garlan, Jim Ivey, Brandon Long, Carol Mellom and Mel Thorsen (Skype)

Facilitator: Lena Buggs

Note Taker: Amber Garlan

Check In – 

• The minutes from the 7/11/15 CC meeting were approved by consensus
• 8/8/15 CC agenda approved

Process for approving minutes – Betsy

• When the CC minutes are submitted they will be put on the website as a draft
• When the CC minutes are approved, they will listed on the website as approved 

Treasurer’s Report - Amber

• $720 was spent for 72 admission tickets for volunteers to the Green Party booth at the MN State Fair.
• Our current balance after all checks have cleared is $5,437.60
• During the July CC meeting $2,000 was approved for literature and set up material for the Green Party booth at the MN State Fair.  When the receipts/invoices are submitted to Julie they will be paid.

Committee Reports:

Communications Committee – Brandon

• 1,224 likes on Facebook
• 884 tweets on twitter
• 700 more people have expressed interest in the Green Party
• There have been no email blast yet this month

Membership Committee – Jim

• Main work is cleaning up the database using the returned mail for the last mailing
• Cut turf for Ward 1 in St. Paul to give to Tray Crews

Politics Committee – Lena

• Andy Schuler is running for Golden Valley City Council
• Kriss Osbakken is running for Duluth City Council
• Tray Crews is running for St. Paul City Council
• Dennis Barsness is running for State House Rep of 5B in 2016
• 2 Green Party candidates, Tray Crews and Dennis Barsness, have registered with the Secretary of States office.

Organization Committee – Betsy

• Betsy wants us to visit the CC policy about absenteeism of CC members.
• Betsy has spent most of her time working on the Green Party booth at the MN State Fair

Finance Committee – Amber

• Vanessa Vogl and Kourtny have joined Amber on the fund raising committee.
• The CC decided that is better to wait until September to have a Green Party fundraiser
• An idea is to have a fundraiser for MN State Fair admission tickets for volunteers at the Green Party booth at the MN State Fair which costs $720. 

Locals Update

5th CD – Betsy

• CC members met to phone bank 5th CD Greens about the 5th CD membership meeting in July.
• Andy Schuler seeks the 5th CD endorsement for Golden Valley City Council in 2015, Betsy is working with Andy and the 5th CD to set up an endorsing meeting date.

4th CD – Lena

• There was a $15Now event in St. Paul on 8/5/15 that was very successful, there will be another $15Now event on 8/19/15 at the Rondo Library from 5:00 to 7:00
• Tray Crews had an event at the 8/4/15 National Night Out in the St. Albans/Thomas neighborhood
• Fossil Free St. Paul will have an event on 8/17/15 at the Rondo Library with the goal of getting Mayor Chris Coleman to sign on to St. Paul being fossil free
• There was an update on the 6/30/15 HMO auditing meeting with Rep. Tina Liebling

Itasca County Greens – Mel

• The Itasca County Green Party endorsed Dennis Barsness for the the 5B State House Rep seat.
• The Itasca County Green Party has a bank account and is getting registered with the state.
• The Itasca County Green Party will have a booth at the Itasca County Fair. 

8th CD Greens – Mel

• On Wednesday 8/19/15 there will be an endorsing meeting at Toasty's (1032 East 9th St.) in Duluth for Kriss Osbakken
If you want to participate but cannot attend, you can vote online,
answering this email, or by phone conference the night of the endorsing
• Betsy and Andy are the liaison with the 8th CD and will communicate with everybody about rebuilding the 8th CD Green Party
• Mel is the CC Rep for the 8th CD

GPUS Report – Lena

• AJ Janssen and Steve Linneroot have been very active in voting on the GPUS list
• The Green 2016 Party National Convention will be in Houston 

Green Party of MN withdrawal from Hemp Fest – AJ

• AJ advised the Green Party of MN to withdraw their sponsorship of Hemp Fest due to lack of organization
• AJ returned the copy of the Green Party insurance to Amber 

Green Party booth at the MN State Fair – Betsy, Lena and Andy

• The goal is 72 slots (2 people in each of the 36 shifts).  There are 3 shifts for each of the 12 days.  The shifts are 9:00 to 1:00, 1:00 to 5:00 and 5:00 to 9:00.
• 31 shifts have been filled
• The Green Party booth must be staffed at all times or we will loose the booth for next year.
• Jim will make a schedule spreadsheet if one has not been done already
• Lena, Betsy and Brandon are on the literature committee
• 3 issues have been chosen; $15Now, Clean Water and Felony Voting Rights
• 5 X 7 literature on each topic has been designed by Brandon, Betsy and Lena
• 8/15/15 is the goal to get the literature to the printer
• The theme this year is “Not Politics As Usual”
• The design of the booth is: at the back there will be the banner “Not Politics As Usual”, at the front will be the literature and on the sides will be candidate literature and pictures (we need to contact candidates for literature and picture)
• There will be a meeting Wednesday 8/12/15 to call for volunteers at the Green Party booth at the MN State Fail
• The MN State Fair has early booth set up on Saturday 8/22/15 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
• The regular set up times are Monday and Tuesday 8/24/15 & 8/25/15 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Wednesday 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
• Take down is allowed until 9:00 on Monday 9/7/15, vehicles are not allowed onto the Fair Grounds until 11:00. 

Greater MN CC Meeting

• The CC meeting in greater Minnesota  will be 10/10/15 in Grand Rapids
• Mel will email the address of the meeting location
• An action that the local community is involved in could be joined by the Green Party after the CC meeting.
• Mel has offered accommodations at his home in Deer River if people need to stay over night. 

Winter Membership Meeting – Amber

• Amber will ask Dave Bicking about reserving the large room at 4200 Cedar Ave.
• Amber will look into reserving the Rondo Library 

Green Party restructuring area discussion of Communication – Betsy

• Tabled for this month, will be on the agenda in September 

Executive Committee

• The executive committee is: Lena, Mel, Brandon, Betsy and Amber.  They will prepare the agenda.

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