Secret Democratic Party Chair effort to unseat Green Cam Gordon backfires

The Minneapolis Democratic Party Chair has caused an uproar within the city after spending $2,000 of the party's money to conduct a poll to gauge the viability of his own wife running against the most progressive council member in the city - Green and Our Revolution endorsed - Cam Gordon.
Read moreSunflower Seed E-Newsletter January 2017

Welcome to the January 2017 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find all of the announced 2017 Green endorsement seeking candidates, meet new staff, and see how Green officeholders around the world are resisting Trump! Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
We need your help to maintain our office administrator through the year and beyond! If just 40 people on this email donated $10 a month we would meet our goal!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor!
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Green Cam Gordon Blasts Gov. Dayton on Power Plant Bill

Terrible news this morning: Governor Dayton has chosen to support the Xcel-driven "ignore the PUC and invest millions in new fossil fuels" bill, which is typically (and euphemistically) referred to as the "Becker bill."
For the record, the City of Minneapolis opposes this bill.
Read moreElizabeth Dickinson Announces St. Paul Mayoral Run

Today Elizabeth Dickinson announces her intention to seek the office of Mayor for St. Paul.
“I intend to be a Mayor for all St. Paulites, regardless of ethnicity, orientation, gender or party designation. Whatever happens at the national or state political level, St. Paul must uphold a strong commitment to protect its residents (regardless of origin) and uphold democratic values of inclusivity, respect and fairness.”
Read moreSamantha Pree-Stinson Seeks Green Endorsement

BREAKING: Candidate Samantha Pree-Stinson for Ward 3 Minneapolis Council has just decided to seek the Minneapolis Green Party (5th CD) endorsement!
Read moreGreen Councilmember Cam Gordon Counters “Is A More Liberal Minneapolis Bad For Business?” Article

There are some interesting takeaways from this recent piece in Twin Cities Business Magazine. Unfortunately, one of them is that there is some inaccurate information out there and sometimes it might get played to create deeper divisions and distort what is actually a more nuanced and complex reality.
Read moreSunflower Seed E-Newsletter December 2016
Welcome to the December 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find several exciting updates on issues Greens have lobbied on, information on a new Green local, and hear about Greens in the national spotlight. Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, will help us hire staff to coordinate the new influx of volunteer requests! Anything helps!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, January 14
GPMN Coordinating Committee Meeting
10am - 1pm
4200 Cedar Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Friday, January 20th
Resist (Trump) From Day One (Green Endorsed Rally)
Lake & Nicollet to City Hall
Minneapolis, MN
Winona Green Party Celebrates Frac Sand Ban in Winona County

The Winona County Green Party is proud to support the decision of the Winona County Board of Commissioners to ban frac sand mining in Winona County!
Members of the Winona County Green Party advocated for this ban by attending public rallies, making phone calls, and providing statements during public hearings.
This first-of-its-kind decision on a county level preserves the natural beauty of our county, maintains the vibrancy of our ecosystem, and protects the health of all county residents.
The grassroots actions of concerned citizens over the past five years have brought about positive results in how we value the well-being our neighbors and the place we live.
People over profits! #WeAreGreen
Sunflower Seed E-Newsletter November 2016
Welcome to the November 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find a 2016 election recap, read about newly elected Minnesota Greens and newly formed Green locals, Green solidarity with Standing Rock, and electoral reform in Maine! Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, will help us hire staff to coordinate the new influx of volunteer requests! Anything helps!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, November 26
Green Party Leftovers Potluck and Post-Election Discussion
6pm - 8pm
4200 Cedar Ave Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Saturday, November 26
6th Congressional District Green Party Meeting
Northtown Library in Blaine
Saturday, December 10
GPMN Coordinating Committee Meeting
10am - 1pm
4200 Cedar Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Statement from the Winona County Green Party at Today’s Standing Rock Solidarity Rally:

The Winona County Green Party stands in solidarity with the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, and we are honored that the Winona-Dakota Unity Alliance has given us the opportunity to speak today. Together, we give voice to the voiceless - the water and air that sustains us. We are here to defend the rights of nature - the rights of water and air to remain clean and pure.
We Stand with Standing Rock! We stand together in the wisdom of those who lived here long before us. We stand together for clean water, clean air, and a healthy environment. We stand together to protect the earth from corporations that would destroy it for short term profit. We stand together with our Native brothers and sisters against a government that is intimidating and incarcerating them for peacefully protecting our water. We thank you all for standing together in solidarity and peace! Mni Wiconi! Water is life!