GPMN 2023 Annual Meeting draft notes
Green Party of Minnesota
Summer 2023 Annual Meeting
Sunday, July 6 at Lake View Terrace Park, Robbinsdale
Cam Gordon and Seth Kuhl-Stennes facilitated. Holle Brian took notes, Rachel Braaten was vibes-checker, David Strand time keeper, facilitators kept the stack. Rachel Braaten provided food and beverages.
The meeting started at 11:30 a.m. with a welcome, land acknowledgement, reading of the 10 Key Values, and introductions. The agenda was approved by consensus.
Local Reports
5CD GP report - There will be Minneapolis elections in Nov. 23 for all City Council seats, due to redistricting. The 5CD GP has endorsed Marcus Mills for Ward 3 City Council. Rachel Braaten was elected as 5CD GP rep to the GPMN Coordinating Committee for a two-year term, replacing Seth Kuhl-Stennes. New 5CD GP steering committee members are Becki Smith, Megan Kuhl-Stennes, Tim Jordan and Eric xx. The 5CD GP was at the Minneapolis Pride festival, and plans to have a presence at Cedar/Riverside and West Broadway Open Streets events. They have published a Minneapolis City Council “report card” rating current members’ performances.
4CD GP report - Carol Mellom reported that the 4th CD GP is dormant, but she would like to see it restart.
3CD GP repot - David Strand reported that the 3rd CD GP is also dormant, but there is a growing progressive culture in the Plymouth area and the DFL is gaining strength there.
8CD GP report - Holle Brian reported that there is no 8th CD GP organized at this time. DFL and Indivisible/Grassroots Endeavor activists in Chisago/Isanti Counties have been working to stop book bans, 2nd Amendment sanctuaries, and lobbying for sensible gun laws.
Survey Report
Adam Schneider gave a report on the surveys that the GPMN sent to members, allies and organizations. 57 individuals and nine organizations responded to the survey. For a complete report, see the attached file. A common response was that the GPMN needs to add more antiracism language to its Platform and Constitution. Of respondents, 40% voted for Biden in the 2022 presidential race, and 35.6% voted for Hawkins; the rest voted for other third party candidates.
Focus Group Input Meetings Report
Cam Gordon reported that the GPMN held four meetings this spring to get input from members and allies on the direction of the party. Two were in-person and two were online. Attendance was minimal.
Coordinating Committee Report and Recommendations
Cam Gordon distributed a printed report on the CC’s activities and recommendations — see attached document for the full report. He added that the CC is not actively recruiting statewide candidates for 2024, but would be open to supporting a presidential candidate in order to regain minor party status. He also noted that the CC will be holding an anti-racism workshop sometime in the next year.
GPUS Report
David Strand gave an update on the national party. Their national meeting will be online on August 3-6. Go to to sign up. The Global Greens met in Korea this year. Individuals may join Global Greens for a $10 fee. Eight people so far have filed to run for president, including Cornell West and Randy Toller, and will be seeking GP nomination. The GPMN can have up to three elected delegates to the GPUS. Currently all delegate seats are open. Other Greens may serve on GPUS committees if they are appointed by the CC.
Finance Report
Tom Dunnwald gave the GPMN financial report. Becki Smith is Finance Chair and wants to step down. The Finance Chair is a CC position, but treasurer role could be filled by an appointee. The GPMN’s main expenses are $150 a month for NationBuilder, and $150 a month for office rent. Rent is at least three months behind. Monthly automatic contributions are enough to cover these expenses.
Bylaws and Constitution Changes Report
Holle Brian reported that the CC was charged with reviewing core documents at the January Special Meeting to see if they needed updating to reflect the GPMN’s current level of organization. A proposal was submitted but the CC felt that there had been insufficient notice given in order to vote on it at this meeting. Proposed changes include: Electing up to four at-large CC members at the Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting, instead of geographic members, for a total of 12 at-large seats on the CC and potentially eight geographic members to be elected by their CD locals; adding another Youth seat on the CC to make a total of two; and adding a Grievance Procedure to the Bylaws. For the complete proposal, see the attached document. There was a discussion of giving the CC the authority to appoint interim members to fill vacant CC seats, but a straw poll showed low support for this.
Coordinating Committee Elections
At the time of the meeting, the CC had four at-large reps and one geographic rep. Seth Kuhl-Stennes has been replaced by the 5CD GP by Rachel Braaten on the CC. Nobody came forward to run for the other open seats.
GPUS Representative Election
Rachel Braaten was elected to be the GPMN’s representative to the GPUS.
Diane Peterson Talked about the “Freedom to Choose” bill before the MN Legislature to restore equal access to all Medical Assistance patients to choose their own doctors and other health care providers.
Adam Schneider polled attendees on their ability to attend on-line meetings; most people have access to Zoom technology.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30.
Minutes submitted by Holle Brian
Minnesota Greens are looking toward the Future!
Members and Supporters of GPMN,
As you may have noticed, the Green Party of Minnesota has been relatively inactive for the past few years. This is for a myriad of reasons, but on January 22nd, 2023, more than twenty Greens from across the state came together virtually and in person to begin the process of reactivating the Green Party of Minnesota. An interim Coordinating Committee has been elected to serve one-and-a-half-year terms to fulfill the necessary tasks determined at the January 22nd meeting; this includes reviewing and amending the bylaws, improving financial management, and pursuing further accountability, accessibility, and anti-racism within GPMN.
Additionally, we want to reconnect with you, the members and supporters of the Green Party of Minnesota, to make sure we are serving you and fulfilling your vision of Minnesota to the best of our ability. There will be a few opportunities to provide input between now and the 2023 Summer Membership Meeting (date and location to be determined). First, there is a survey that we are encouraging everyone to fill out. There will also be four envisioning meetings, two virtual and two in person, where Minnesota Greens will be welcome to share their vision for GPMN and the State of Minnesota; the information for those meetings is below:
- Wednesday, May 17, 6-7:30 PM online via Zoom for members (Meeting Link)
- Saturday, May 20, 10-11:30 AM in the Doty Board Room at the Minneapolis Central Library (300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401) for members
- Wednesday, June 7, 6-7:30 online via Zoom for members and allied organizations (Meeting Link)
- Saturday, June 10, 10-11:30 AM in the Highland Park Library Community Room (978 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN 55116) for members and allied organizations
Also, the Annual Membership Meeting will be taking place on July 15. The time, location, and other details will be coming out soon!
The fact is that the Green Party of Minnesota still has a role in today’s politics. With the ongoing climate crisis, increasing wealth inequality, the never-ending need to combat racism and colonialism in all aspects of society, and the continuing infringement of the rights of women and LGBTQIA2S+ people, the Green Party can and must stand as champions of change and sustainability, equity, and justice. We can build a progressive, grassroots movement to create a world where people, planet, and peace are put before profit, and we hope you will join us in this renewed effort to fight for such a world.
In sincere solidarity,
The Coordinating Committee of the Green Party of Minnesota
Kati Medford Speaks About Her Run For City Council
Minneapolis-Green Party of the 5th CD endorsed candidate for the 2021 city council race Kati Medford sat down with The Trahern Crews Show to discuss her campaign. Kati said she supports reparations for the American Descendants of Chattel Slavery and has it as part of her platform. The 5th congressional district which includes the city of Minneapolis is the 4th worse place to live in the country for Black Americans. Kati also supports the Rent Control measure which is on the ballot in this year's election. The other Ballot initiative she supports is changing the charter amendment that will create the department of public safety.
During the interview, Kati Medford said she will champion the Green New Deal for Minneapolis which is being discussed at the municipal level which has been spearheaded by her Green party colleague and City council member Cam Gordon.
For more information go to
Read moreSaint Paul Green Party Supports Rent Control
The Green Party of Minnesota’s 4th congressional district supports rent stabilization that will limit rent increases for existing rental units across Saint Paul to 3% over a 12-month period.
Steven Stampley spokesperson for the Saint Paul Green Party of the 4th congressional district said "The effort organized by Housing Equity Now St. Paul (HENS), is very modest compared to the rent control the City already implemented for Craig Lepold, the multi-billionaire owner of the wild. The City of Saint Paul cut their rent for the Excel center in half and controls it for the next twenty years."
Over half of St. Paul residents are renters and the majority of renters are people of color. The Twin Cities region accounts for 76% of Black, ADOCS, African, Asian, Native American, Latino & immigrant households in the state, only 40% of them are homeowners compared to 75% of white households.
Saint Paul School Board Candidate Forum
Saint Paul School Board candidates Jennifer Mc Pherson, Jim Vue, & Clayton Howatt discuss the issues. This event was moderated by Khulia Pringle and sponsored by the Saint Paul Recovery Act Steering Committee. For more information go to
Jennifer McPherson who is supported by The MN Green Party Black Caucus said the district should hire more parents. These parents can eventually become teachers, coaches janitors. Clayton Howatt said he supports integration and a culturally responsive curriculum. Jim Vue said children need more support from schools to close the education gap. All three candidates responding yes when asked if they supported reparations for the American Descendants of Chattel Slavery.
For more info about the candidates
Green Party of Haiti Speaks about the crisis in Haiti and at the US border part 1
On Sunday members of the Haitian, Green Party spoke to Trahern Crews the Chair of the Minnesota Green Party about the crisis in Haiti and the Black immigration crisis at the border. Members of the Haitian delegation said they condemn the assassination of the former President of Haiti Haiti President Assasinated. Even though they disagreed with him and the current administration about policy issues. Some of those issues pertain to Haiti's independence and too much international intervention in Haitis political affairs. The Green Party of Haiti said that the people of Haiti should decide which is best for the country not outside forces and that they should be working towards sustainability for the country.
Some of the the Green party policies they want to implement are strengthening the local economy in Haiti. Also Haiti is the 2nd least vaccinated country in the world Haiti Vaccination and Covid 19 has exposed why medicare for all is the perfect healthcare policy for countries like Haiti. Addressing climate change which is causing earthquakes and migration which has lead to the situation that we see at the Texas border Hatian/US Immigration Crisis where Haitian immigrants are being abused, deported and whipped due to anti black racist immigration policies in the United States. The delegation from Haiti said the Biden administration much change its racist immigration policies. Members from the Green Party of Haiti said that they don't know when elections will take place because of the violence in the country.
The delegation also spoke about the history of Haiti and how it was the first free Black independent country in the western Hemisphere.Haitis Independence After Haiti gained its independence it has struggled with poverty because France, with warships at the ready, sailed to Haiti in 1825 and demanded Haiti to compensate France for its loss of slaves and its slave colony. In exchange for French recognition of Haiti as a sovereign republic, France demanded payment of 150 million francs. Now many Haitians and others in international community want to see the debt forgiven.
Community Based Economics
Unified Que Interview
On July 23rd, We interviewed an owner of a clothing brand. We talked about his clothing brand and what it stands for. The clothing brand to him means unified which is in the name. He wants people to feel connected wearing his clothes. His brand is very different from your average clothing brand. He doesn’t change his clothing by trends but instead changes them by what’s happening in the world.
Jeremie English Interview
On July 23rd, we interviewed Jeremie English. We talked about his involvement in the steering committee that was able to pass a resolution in the city council for the St. Paul Recovery Act. He talked about the history of the Rondo neighborhood. He also talked about what reparations are and what they look like for the black community in St. Paul and in America.
Read moreThe Importance of Youth Employment
Green Party Youth Interns sat down to discuss the importance of youth employment with Level up and also Spoke with Marea Perry about her organization secrets to Truth
Level Up Interview
On July 21st, we interviewed Talisha, a coach coordinator for Level Up. We talked to her about the Level Up program and what it’s about. Level Up is a program that sets up internships for youth ages 18 to 24 living in Ramsey County. These internships are across many different fields. The youth are paid $15 or more an hour. Talisha also talked about how important youth employment is and how it provides self-sufficiency.
Marea Perry Interview
On July 21st, we interviewed Marea Perry. She is a committee activist for racial justice. Her son was recently murdered 2 years ago, that’s when she created Secrets2Truths to heal in the community. In Secrets2Truths they talk about any trauma, grief or issue and provide help and wellness for others. Marea does healing work with Catriceology Enterprise for the Black Women Conference. They collaborated to help heal black women, but they are also open to every woman to be a part of the healing experience. There will be speakers at the upcoming event and more new information will be updated soon but they are planning to have a Follow Black Women Conference event on October 10, 2021.
Read more