Congratulations To Toya Woodland & Joshua Scheunemann
The Green Party of Minnesota is honored to announce that Minister Toya Woodland & Joshua Scheumann have secured the Green Party Mpls of the 5th congressional District Endorsement in the 2020 Elections. Ms. Woodland who is running for congress in the 5th congressional District on a reparatory justice campaign that puts Minnesota 1st. "COVID 19 shows why our Green Party platform is imperative in the times we are living in," said The Green Party endorsed candidate for US Representative in the 5th Congressional District. Joshua Schuenemann who is running for in a special city council election in ward 6 in MPLS also secured the Green Party of the 5th congressional Districts Endorsement. Mr. Schuenemann is running on a Green New Deal for Minneapolis and is the Chair of the Green Party of Minnesota Environmental committee.
Eric Leitzen Seeks Green Party of Minnesota Endorsement
Green Party of Minnesota Candidate Questionnaire:
1) Have you ever been convicted of a felony, sued successfully, or had a restraining order placed
against you? If so, please explain.
2) Is there anything we should know about your background which could be used against you fairly or
- I was formerly the Houston County (MN) DFL Vice Chair
- In mid-December 2018, days before I had scheduled an informational meeting with AFSCME,
my City Clerk office was put under a full audit. I was found to have forgotten to file an NSF
check and was asked to resign in January 2019.
1) Why are you seeking the endorsement of the Green Party, as opposed to any other party or running
- I believe in the policies the Green Party puts forth, first and foremost
- I believe it is time for a valid third party in Minnesota to rise again like the Farmer-Labor Party
did when confronted with similar crises at the turn of the 20th century.
- I want to see a genuine, people power Left movement take root in Minnesota after too many
frustrating years trying to turn the local DFL away from an ideology more in-line with local
aristocracy than with working people
2) What has been your prior involvement with the Green Party?
- I voted for Jill Stein in 2016
- I recently donated to Howie Hawkins campaign
3) Have you worked on prior campaigns, as a worker or candidate? If so, please describe your role and
what you achieved.
- I have canvassed for Bernie Sanders, and during both the recall of Scott Walker and the 2014
election cycle
- I previously worked with the DFL to field and support candidates for MN Senate District 28 and
House district 28B. I attempted a grassroots, working-class campaign with the DFL but withdrew
my name from consideration after repeated stonewalling from leadership and several pieces of
advice from longtime party members to wait it out for yet another cycle. It has become clear the
local DFL does not want more radical, working-class and proudly left-of-the-dial voices
representing them.
4) How much money do you believe you need to raise to run your campaign successfully?
- I would love to get around ten thousand in the coffers. Jeremy Miller spent $31,500 in 2016 on
expenses alone, but he has big pockets and many friends with even bigger ones.
- I am looking to run an as inexpensive and efficient campaign as possible. With the current
situation as it is, media will be key, but I am already establishing a social media presence online
and wish to spend most campaign money on blunt, take-no-prisoners mailers to voters who are
less online in this rural area. Whenever possible I would like to be in-person to events like council
meetings, county fairs, and other free opportunities to promote the campaign, even if that means
speaking with my three-year-old on my back and my five-year-old at my hip. Senate 28 is looking
at a matchup between two children of the rich from Winona who literally grew up next to each
other, so the shoestring nature of a rebel campaign could possibly be a selling point.
5) What personnel do you believe you need to run your campaign? Who have you approached to be on
your campaign team?
- I will need a treasurer and possibly one or two assistants. I have spoken with a few people who
have agreed to help, but all have balked at the idea of treasurer.
6) What role will the following strategies have in your campaign and how much time will you devote to
these activities: door-knocking, direct mail, phone banking, canvassing, etc..
- COVID permitting, I would love to see a door-knocking campaign utilized: I really think there
is a chance to have a viable third option now that the DFL has put their weight behind the same
sort of out-of-touch oligarch as the GOP. I grew up down here, I know what people are fighting
with, and I really think if we can get through to enough people we can get door knocking, phone
banking, and canvassing up and running. I spoke earlier about wanting to use direct mail, with
possibly additional online advertisements as well.
7) What civic organizations do you belong to? What role have you played in those organizations? Who
will support you from those organizations?
- I am the Board President of Southeast Minnesota Historic Bluff Country, a regional tourism
authority. I have also served as Secretary in the past. I am hoping to channel my work with HBC
into more eyeballs for a campaign as I have essentially been the face of the organization during
the last year or so and overseeing some fairly successful online campaigns.
- My wife and I are active members with a local premier community theatre in La Crosse, and we
have both won Volunteer of the Year in the past. In 2008 I starred in a local zombie movie
(available on YouTube) where I sucked chocolate syrup out of a plastic brain. I am an awardwinning actor and a classically trained tenor with several shows and operettas under my belt. I
am also looking into podcasting.
Jesse Ventura Joins the Minnesota Green Party
We are honored to announce that Jesse Ventura the American politician, media personality, actor, author, retired professional wrestler, and commentator who served as the Mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota from 1991 to 1995 and as the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003 has officially joined the Minnesota Green Party. Over the past couple of years, Mr. Ventura has shown support for the Green Party and is very serious about addressing climate change.
Last Monday the former Governor tweeted Jesse Ventura ✔@GovJVentura Apr 27, 2020 OK, I've decided I'm going to test the waters. IF I were going to run for president, the GREEN party would be my first choice. I've endorsed the party and I'm testing the waters. #mondaythoughts #MondayMorning #MondayMood
Mr. Ventura met with the Chair of the Minnesota Green Party Trahern Crews and The Co-Chair of the Green Party of the 4th Congressional District and candidate for State Representative in District 65B Darnella Wade. Mr. Ventura was accompanied by Mrs. Ventura who bought and brought cookies and refreshments and Green Party activist Erin Fox. The former Governor spoke at length about JFK, combating climate change and establishing a viable third party in American politics.
Scott Raskiewicz Secures Green Party of Minnesota Endorsement For U.S. Senate
Scott Raskiewicz an author, teacher and long time Green has been endorsed by the Green Party of Minnesota for the 2020 U.S. Senate seat currently held by Tina Smith. Mr. Raskiewicz who identifies as an Eisenhower Lincoln Democratic-Republican Green. During the endorsement meeting, Scott mentioned that the U.S. is ranked 39th best country in the world to raise a family.US Ranked 39th in Child Well Being Study SJR says if he is elected to office his goal will be to cut that number in half and eventually become #1 again. SJR says the essence of democracy, the mission of democracy, and the Measure of democracy is the dispersal and equitable sharing of power-- economic power, media power, and political power. Neo Socialist ELDR Greens are deeply committed to authentic democracy.
Here are the nuts and bolts of SJR's platform.
Defenders of the status quo may argue that these goals interfere with our "free market" system. Our nation has elements of a free market system. But for the most part, like all modern nations, we have a managed economy. The economy must be managed to benefit ALL Americans, not just Wall Street, corporations, and those on the upper rungs of the socio-economic ladder. This means fair systems of taxation, an end to all taxpayer subsidies for corporations and high-income Americans, and economic democracy--a system in which ALL Americans will have meaningful economic choices.
An expanded Medicare system that covers ALL Americans will save money, time, human suffering and lives, and improve the quality of life for ALL Americans. We spend nearly twice as much on health care as do other modern nations. But we trail some three dozen other nations in our health care outcomes. Affordable health care for ALL citizens is a fundamental necessity if we are to create a civilized, authentically democratic society.
The goal of K-12 education must be to instill in ALL students the life-long skill of well-informed rational analysis in all areas of life so that they will reach their potential as loving, complex, multi-talented human beings fully capable of contributing to society. This will prevent, solve, or ameliorate all individual and collective problems. Post high school education and training will more deeply engrain this skill and prepare students to reach their potential in whatever careers they might choose.
Nearly all major U.S. media is controlled by a profoundly inhumane and deeply anti-democratic corporate cartel. This makes authentic democracy impossible. We must create publicly financed media that Serves public, rather than corporate, interests. Privately-owned radio and tv stations, because they use the public airwaves, must adhere to a re-established Fairness Doctrine.
Logic, Reason, and Evidence make clear that the current U.S. goal of world military and economic domination is neither feasible nor moral. We cannot create a stable, peaceful world through threats and violence and invading other nations. We've tried it for decades and it hasn't worked. Diplomacy, humanitarian aid, and economic cooperation is more effective than military violence and will save lives and hundreds of billions of dollars every year.
Darnella Wade gets Endorsed by the Green Party 4th CD
The Green Party of Minnesota is proud to announce that Darnella Wade has won the Green Party of the 4th CD endorsement for the state representative race in district 65B. MS. Wade is a strong community organizer an anti-gun violence advocate who is running for office on a reparatory justice platform and the Green New Deal. To learn more about her campaign go to
The Ruling Class Parties VS The Green Party
By Scott J Raskiewicz
Mr. Raskiewicz is seeking the Minnesota Green Party endorsement for US Senate
There are two basic ways to organize all human relationships, including the structure of society...
America's two ruling class parties have structured our society on a hierarchical model that promotes selfishness, greed, short term thinking, and contempt for the greater good. This model is based on domination, subordination, and exploitation. Those in the dominant classes, supported by the two ruling class parties, have created economic and other systems that channel nearly all wealth and power to the upper rungs of the socio-economic ladder. This leaves the majority with little or no wealth and little opportunity to obtain the economic security needed by all people to discover, nurture, and become their best selves. Because this system opposes the well-being of the majority it must be propped up by lies and a variety of deceptions and diversions. This task is performed, with great effectiveness, by the two ruling class parties and the ruling class owned corporate media cartel. The domination-subordination exploitation model also relies on dividing Americans into special interest groups. This has prevented the majority from recognizing their common interests, uniting, and creating an authentic democracy to benefit ALL Americans. The results of the domination subordination-exploitation model are evidenced by the wide variety of problems facing our nation, problems which the ruling class, and the two parties they control, show little interest in solving.
The Green Party supports a different societal model. The Green Party supports an egalitarian model--equal legal, economic, and political rights for all. Rather than behavior based on selfishness, greed, short-term thinking, domination, subordination, and exploitation the Green Party supports mutually beneficial cooperative behavior. The transition to this model would benefit ALL Americans, those now living and those yet to be. It will also ensure the well-being of the natural world upon which we all depend. This model will lead to a variety of pro-democracy public policies including public banking and media, publicly financed and democratically controlled health care and elections, economic decentralization, and other policies to benefit ALL Americans.
This analysis is not to suggest there is no difference between the two ruling class parties. Clearly, one party is more reactionary and belligerent than the other. However, both ruling class parties support policies that place the interests of Wall Street, Córporate cartels, militarism, and the ruling class ahead of the interests of democracy and the American people.
The two ruling class parties have shaped American society for decades. It is clear they operate according to the inhumane and anti-democratic values of Wall Street, corporate cartels, and militarism. The Green Party supports human values, values that will allow ALL Americans to discover, nurture, and become their best selves in service to their potential and society as a whole.
In the contest between the ruling class parties and the Green Party, the choice is clear. It is a choice between an inhumane and anti-democratic status quo and a new political model that ensures authentic democracy and liberty and justice for ALL.
By Scott J Raskiewicz
The Minnesota Green Party
Covid 19 Shows The Weakness Of The American For Profit Health Care System
The current pandemic of COVID – 19 shows the weakness of our corporate-driven, for-profit health care system (rather, I should say health care non-system), and why we need a single-payer health care system.I do not mind my tax money providing health care for the poor and working poor. But I do mind my tax money subsidizing HMOs. Minnesota's HMOs have turned a deaf ear to small business restaurant owners trying to provide health insurance to their employees, many of who have been laid off. Those small business owners are just asking for an extension, and the insurance corporations will not listen.The mental health care clinic I work at has therapists providing therapy by teleconference. We do not know if the insurance corporations will pay for teleconference therapy. Usually, they do not. But due to responsibility of care, the clinic is committed to provide therapy regardless of payment from insurance corporations.This clinic I work at is fortunate to have an endowment to get us through this pandemic, but what will happen to clinics and small business restaurant owners who do not have an endowment? This is why we need a single payer health care plan that puts people before profit.Amber Garlan
Green Party of Minnesota
Cordale Handy 3rd Annual Rally & Banquet Weekend
On March 13th, 2020 the Cordale Handy Foundation spearheaded by Kim Handy Jones in the picture above whose son was killed by the Saint Paul Police Department held its 3rd annual Rally & Banquet. The Rally was held Friday night just one block away from where Cordale died after being fatally shot by the police. Mothers and family members from around the country who have lost a loved one to police traveled to Saint Paul Minnesota to participate in the social justice events over the weekend. On Friday Mothers, family members and activist spoke about the devastating damages and consequences of police violence on Black and Brown Communities
Eric Garner's mother pictured above in the Red shirt spoke about how the powers that be demonize victims of police violence to try to justify the killing of innocent community members. Her son Eric Garner was killed by the NYPD This caused outrage across the country resulting in a new national dialogue around police brutality. Hearing her speak about her journey to get justice was a motivating experience.
Participants were encouraged to stay involved in organizing around racial justice issues such as police brutality and to stick together in these turbulent times. The family of Justus Howell who was shot in the back two times and killed by the police in Lake County Illinois in 2017 was on hand to connect and share their story about the kind of human being Justus was. The family also spoke about how Zion police have maintained that a handgun was found at the scene of Justus Howell’s death, but eyewitnesses speaking to the Chicago Sun-Times have said they saw no weapons recovered by police.
Attendees of the rally enjoyed a meal from Manyana who painted a mural of Cordale on the side of their restaurant where he died. The energy in the room was exciting and a sense of unity was in the air amongst the participants. The family of Alton Sterling who was killed by the police in Baton Rouge in 2016 was in attendance and explained the circumstances leading up to and the challenges the faced after the killing of their loved one in Baton Rouge Louisiana by the police.
Our youth deserve justice and spoke out about it giving the crowd some words of encouragement during the event. Many times children are adversely affected by police brutality cause in some instances they are witnesses of the brutality. This traumatizes urban youth for years and causes distrust between Black communities and law enforcement at an early age.
Diamond Reynolds and her daughter who are also survivors of police brutality gave inspirational statements at the rally. Several other mothers and families spoke about the struggles they face fighting the criminal justice system in the quest for answers and justice. After the dinner & rally supporters marched down the street where Cordale was killed for a memorial and balloon release. The rally & memorial was a great start to a wonderful weekend of social justice.
The next evening a banquet was held at the DoubleTree in Roseville Mn. Ms. Kim Handy Jones has given out headstones to families who have lost a family member to police violence this is her 3rd year in a row doing so. BLM Minnesota activist Monique Cullars Doty was this year's keynote speaker and gave a great inspirational message. There is no blueprint or manual of what one should do when they lose a family member to the criminal justice system. However, having a support system and network like the one the Cordale Handy Foundation is building will become a pillar in the United States social justice movement for years to come.
Suspend Physical Petitioning For Minor Parties In MN Require A Filing Fee Instead
TO: Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan; Secretary of
State Steve Simon; the State Senate’s Government Finance and Policy
and Elections Committee; and the State House’s Subcommittee on Elections
On March 11 the World Health Organization designated coronavirus, or
COVID-19, a global pandemic. On March 13 President Trump declared a
U.S. national emergency. Additionally, on March 13, Governor Walz
announced a peacetime emergency here in Minnesota. As of today, March
14 the Minnesota Department of Health has so far confirmed 21 cases of
positive test results for people having coronavirus.
Gov. Walz has put forth a series of “community mitigation strategies”
which include asking Minnesotans to avoid large gatherings, to do
their work from home if possible, and to avoid being within six feet
of contact of others at smaller gatherings to limit interactions as
much as possible.
In exactly 60 days the state’s three minor political parties (the
Libertarian, Independence-Alliance, and Green Parties of Minnesota)
are given their limited two-week ballot access nominating petition
signature gathering window. Each party must collect several thousand
signatures during the last two weeks of May (only) to place candidates
onto the fall general election ballot, something these three parties
have done consistently every election cycle for decades.
The environment suddenly exists that makes this process an inherent
health risk to not only the individuals who do the petitioning but
also to the citizens being approached who get asked to sign a
nominating petition. Petitioning requires constant and voluminous
face-to-face interaction.
For scope, each of the 3 minor parties in Minnesota intends to dispatch dozens of volunteers
to go door-to-door to gather 2000 signatures for President, 2000
signatures for US Senate, 500 signatures for each of the 6 Minnesota
legislative races we have planned, plus a 50% cushion. To find these
10,000 willing signatures often requires knocking on over 5 times as
many doors. We are already seeing in other states where petitioning is
currently underway, people are avoiding petitioners (rightly so) which
is doubling or tripling the number of door knocking interactions needed.
With the health and safety of all Minnesotans being paramount during
this outbreak, as well as to maintain fair elections, we hereby make a
formal request to Governor Walz, Secretary Simon, the State Senate
Elections Committee, and the State House Elections Subcommittee to act
immediately to suspend the physical petitioning requirement and/or the
current filing deadline which is currently set as June 2, 2020.
An efficient solution already exists, if acted on, in proposed bills
SF752 (companion HF708). Introduced in 2019 and amended in 2020 (via
H0708A2) these bills remain stuck in the listed committees. If passed
it would allow our political parties who have achieved over 1% in the
last state wide vote to put candidates onto ballots using internal
party process, such as by convention endorsement, or by filing fee, or
with a deadline extended to mid-August (around the time of the state
primary, 77 days prior to the general).
Enacting these proposals will change behaviors for (the only) three
minor parties that exist in Minnesota. This will result in preventing
hundreds of thousands of face-to-face interactions soon.
Please act now to preserve public health alongside fair elections.
Let’s not hurt one in the name of the other. We look forward to
working with the Governor, the Secretary of State, and other state
officials to prioritize the rights and the well being of all
Signed March 14, 2020;
Chris Holbrook, Libertarian Party of Minnesota Chair
Phil Fuehrer, Independence-Alliance Party of Minnesota Chair
Trahern Crews, Green Party of Minnesota Chair
Dario Hunter Wins Green Party of Minnesota Presidential Caucus
MINNEAPOLIS – On Tuesday, February 25, the Green Party of Minnesota held its 2020 Presidential Caucus, which was the first of the Green Party Presidential caucuses in the country in this election cycle. Rank Choice Voting was the voting method, however, Dario Hunter won in the first round with 81% of the vote. Candidates were encouraged to send in a 2-minute video about their campaign platform Dario Hunter appeared in person and spoke about his vision for America.
Delegates will be chosen and awarded at the Green Party of Minnesota Summer meeting in June. Greens from across the Twin Cities participated in this festive event. The Resolutions that were adopted are as follows: The Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee proposal to Make Minnesota a Sanctuary State. Minneapolis city council member Cam Gordon proposal on Rank Choice Voting Local options and Statewide Legislation. Community Activist Lee Parker proposed renaming a stretch of the I94 Freeway to the Rondo Corridor. Green Party member Henry Helgen from Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light proposed 100% Clean Energy in Minnesota by 2030.
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Two Green Party elected officials spoke including Minneapolis city council member Cam Gordon talked about how Green Policies are gaining ground like a Green New Deal for the city of Minneapolis. Minneapolis Park Board Vice President Latrissa Vetaw spoke of working toward 100% pesticide-free parks throughout the city.
Candidates seeking the Green Party endorsement also delivered powerful messages. Darnella Wade who is running for state representative in District 65B, Minister Toya Woodland who is a candidate for U.S. representative in the 5th district and Scott Raskiewicz who is running for U.S Senate against Tina Smith.
We congratulate Mr. Hunter on his victory and are excited about all the candidates running as Greens in Minnesota during this 2020 election cycle.