We Fought Hard - How We Won, How We Fight Now
Once again, the winner of the popular vote for President of the United States has been defeated in an election.
The amount of post-election analysis already posted today is staggering, but this fact should not be forgotten. It's representative of deep problems with our democracy, both structurally and functionally.
The Green Party ran a principled campaign for President, opposing racism, sexism, Islamaphobia, and the entire “least worst” political culture – all important contributing factors in getting us to the political reality of today.
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5 Ways a Minnesota Green Vote Wins No Matter What
Don’t waste your vote this election, #InvestYourVote.
Why should we allow the corporate parties to spoil our elections anymore? “Lesser evilism” has brought us everything we feared – erosion of our civil liberties and civil rights, mass deportations, ongoing wars and a massive refugee crisis, a meltdown of our climate and the crashing of our economy.
It’s time to stand up and say no more! And you can feel safer about your vote not helping someone you don’t want because we don’t live in a “swing state.”
Here are the 5 ways a Jill Stein vote in Minnesota wins no matter what.
Read moreYahNe Ndgo Speaking at Jill Stein Rally 10/26 in Saint Paul
YahNé Ndgo, a surrogate of the Stein/Baraka campaign, will be speaking at the October 26th Jill Stein Rally at Macalester College.
YahNé is a mother, writer, singer and Freedom Fighter. She uses her art to convey messages of positivity, create transformative projects, and to encourage others by sharing her struggles and celebrations, so that they know they are never alone.
Read moreSunflower Seed E-Newsletter October 2016
Welcome to the October 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find out how to become a sustaining donor, hear about local candidates and party news, get the scoop on the Jill Stein campaign, and welcome a new state party coordinating committee member! Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, helps grow our Party and allows us to provide principled political alternatives. Anything helps!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, October 26
Jill Stein Visit in Saint Paul!
John B. Davis Lecture Hall
Macalester College
1600 Grand Ave
St. Paul 55105
Saturday, November 19
GPMN Coordinating Committee Meeting
Rochester, MN (location to be determined)
Read moreStar Tribune: Third-party presidential candidates on Minnesota ballot
Stein already has campaigned in Minnesota and has plans to be back for a Twin Cities visit on Oct. 26. Brandon Long, chairman of the Minnesota Green Party, said the party is aiming its appeals at supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s runner-up in the Democratic presidential contest.
“Unless we demand more and better from our candidates, we’re not going to get it,” Long said. “Progressive third parties have pushed important things into larger progressive movements — the 40-hour workweek and Social Security, for starters.”
MPR: Fed up with campaign, some voters seek alternatives
Another ballot repeat is the Green Party's Jill Stein, who garnered less than one half of 1 percent of Minnesota's votes in 2012.
Minnesota Green Party Chairman Brandon Long is convinced she'll do much better this time.
He expects Stein to attract votes from people who backed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the nomination contest but haven't warmed up to Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate.
"Bernie Sanders was somebody that really ignited a lot of interest," Long said. "A lot of people who particularly were independent in the first place, he brought them into the [Democratic] Party. And then they're not really feeling appreciated or wanted, and so a lot of people are saying, 'Look, we need another option,' and Jill Stein and the Green Party is it."
Sunflower Seed E-Newsletter August 2016
Welcome to the August 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find out how to become a sustaining donor, get a report from the Green Party National Convention, read more about Jill Stein making ballot access and her visit to Minnesota, more on local candidates, and how to get involved at the Minnesota State Fair! Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, helps grow our Party and allows us to provide principled political alternatives. Anything helps!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday – Monday, August 25th – September 5th
Paint the Minnesota State Fair Green!
1265 Snelling Ave, St Paul, MN 55108
Learn more by clicking here
Read moreCampaign For Jill/Greens At The State Fair!
Every year the Green Party of Minnesota reaches thousands of our neighbors at the Great Minnesota Get Together. This year we have a great opportunity to promote our Presidential candidate Dr Jill Stein, as well as our local candidates, but we can't do it without you!
Please join your fellow Greens at the booth between August 25th and September 5th, Labor Day.
Read moreWe Did It! 4.5K Signatures for Jill in Minnesota!
Thanks to all the hard work of our volunteers and a dramatic influx of completed petitions over the weekend and Monday, we have now significantly surpassed the number required to put Jill Stein on the ballot in Minnesota with over 4,675 signatures turned in so far!
Now it's time to file these signatures with the Secretary of State! Below is information on how you can turn in any signatures you still have:
Sunflower Seed E-Newsletter July 2016
Welcome to the July 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find out how to become a sustaining donor, read about the explosion of interest in the Greens, Green activism, Green endorsed candidates, the Green Party Presidential race, and Green successes in Spain. Enjoy!
We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, helps grow our Party and allows us to provide principled political alternatives. Anything helps!
Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor
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